Getting involved with the Nicholas & Friends Foundation can come in many forms and is wide ranging. Just know that any contribution you can make, big or small, is absolutely appreciated and is most certainly for the greater good. When nonprofit foundations like ours, and the community at large come together to lock arms in support of those less fortunate than ourselves, it shows the deepest form of kindness and outpouring of love humankind can offer.

Here are some ways you can get involved today to start making an immediate impact.


Donating your free time to stand with us in unity to support one of our many fundraising activities and help interact at those events. Additionally, we are always willing to accept volunteers to help shop and deliver the supplies we procure from the donations we receive. There’s nothing like seeing the smiling faces on the teachers, staff, and students as we personally deliver those much needed items to their classrooms.

If you wish to get involved by volunteering your time to any of our causes, we most certainly welcome you to reach out to us via the Contact Form here on our website!!

Cash donations, while not expected, are always very much appreciated and welcome. This is probably the most effective way of getting involved because we rely heavily on community outreach in this form. It is exactly this type of relief those less fortunate than us don’t have. It is your donations, big or small, that help us to supply the classrooms with the supplies and teaching materials that are so desperately needed.

We have several ways by which you can donate, and are most likely convenient to you. We deeply appreciate any of these contributions as it’s the selfless community support like this that keeps us going, and bringing joy to the classrooms of special needs children.
